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Join the movement ... become a volunteer


Want to make a difference and have some fun at the same time? Look no further. As an all-volunteer nonprofit, our volunteers have made the chapter a leading source for love, support, and education for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them in the Lower Columbia region. We can always use more enthusiastic volunteers.

Whether it’s serving on a committee or board of directors, leading a support meeting, or staffing a booth at a public event, you are needed. We invite LGBTQ+ people, their families, friends, and allies in Lower Columbia communities to join us in spreading the word about PFLAG and advocating for LGBTQ+ justice, equity, and inclusion.

Just send an email to pflaglcinfo@gmail.com, or fill out our Contact Us form, and we will respond as soon as possible.


We’re looking for additional candidates to join our chapter board. The board of directors governs the chapter and consists of up to seven directors, three or four of whom serve as officers and the rest as directors-at-large. The officers are President, Vice President (optional), Treasurer, and Secretary. Board members serve one-year terms with elections held in September. If you are selected, we’ll provide all the training you’ll need to get off to a running start.

Board Member Requirements:

  • Subscribe to the mission and vision of PFLAG.
  • Be a dues-paying member of PFLAG in good standing.
  • Attend Board meetings (usually monthly via Zoom) and monthly support meetings.
  • Participate in chapter activities such as event tabling.

Interested? Send us an email to pflaglcinfo@gmail.com, or fill out our Contact Us form, and we will respond as soon as possible.